Kuder Connect 2 Business® Selected by State of Oklahoma for Work-based Learning

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In order to engage students, schools, and businesses across the state in work-based learning (WBL) and job alignment, Kuder, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has been selected by the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education (CareerTech) in collaboration with the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE).
Kuder's custom career readiness platform for all Oklahomans (K-Adult), the OKCareerGuide, will allow Oklahomans to engage and interact more robustly in work-based learning and job skills development. As a result of their collaborative efforts, CareerTech and OSDE saw Kuder's Employer Engagement Toolset, Connect 2 Business (C2B), as an ideal fit to help them reach their goals.
It is hoped that Kuder's customized career readiness platform, OKCareerGuide, will result in more robust interactions and participation in the work-based learning process (WBL) and the development of job skills among Oklahomans (K-Adult). Kuder's employer engagement solution, Connect 2 Business (C2B), was a perfect fit for CareerTech and OSDE to achieve their goals.
Kuder's commitment to making sure we're supported for WBL has been outstanding. ~Brent Haken, CareerTech State Director
As the Chief Executive Officer of Kuder, Connor Harrington stated, "We value our partnerships in Oklahoma and were thrilled when CareerTech with OSDE contacted us about their WBL and career placement initiatives." When learning about the capabilities they were looking to achieve with the OKCareerGuide, it was clear that C2B will be able to meet Oklahoma's needs.
In a similar fashion to many other states, Oklahoma is placing a strong emphasis on college and career readiness to help individuals prepare for the future while developing a skilled workforce for the state as a whole.. As a part of C2B's education services, educators are supported to partner with businesses and schedule WBL opportunities for their students and adult learners.. During this process, individuals will be able to explore and request opportunities - such as job shadowing, internships, and apprenticeships - that are relevant to their career interests and goals. It is possible to track progress and fulfill graduation requirements with the help of customized pre- and post-opportunity tasks and reporting tools.According to Brent Haken, CareerTech State Director, "Kuder's responsiveness and commitment to ensuring we're supported in the completion of the WBL as well as ICAP reporting has been outstanding,". As part of our partnership with OSDE, C2B will expand WBL throughout the state and strengthen partnerships between education and business in the state.According to Shawna Nord, Counseling and Career Development Manager, CareerTech, "Kuder has consistently provided high quality products and services that are tailored to the state of Oklahoma," said Nord. As a result of the outstanding work they have done for us, it was only fitting that they would support Oklahoma's career planning initiatives within the framework of a comprehensive system for the state, OKCareerGuide..Here is some information about Kuder: Kuder (www.kuder.com).I am Kuder.A company like this is backed up by 85 years of history and has over 25 years of experience in providing career and workforce development systems for educational agencies including the United States government.. Schools, colleges, districts, and the military are all part of the education system. With millions of customers across the globe relying on Kuder for high quality products backed by unparalleled levels of service, Kuder is a trusted brand.Kuder, Inc. is the source for this information
Kuder, Inc. is the source for this information
Oklahoma is one of many states that is putting an emphasis on Workforce Basic Learning (WBL) in order to assist individuals in preparing for the future while developing a skilled workforce for the state’s future.. In order to support educators in partnering with businesses and scheduling WBL opportunities for their students and adult learners, C2B offers their assistance.. There will be opportunities available for individuals - such as job shadowing, internships, and apprenticeships - which match the career interests and goals of each individual. Tracking progress and fulfilling graduation requirements are made easier with the configurable pre- and post-opportunity tasks and reporting tools
Tracking progress and fulfilling graduation requirements are made easier with the configurable pre- and post-opportunity tasks and reporting tools
Kuder's responsiveness and commitment to making sure we receive support for WBL completion and ICAP reporting has been outstanding, says Brent Haken, CareerTech State Director. With the assistance of OSDE, C2B will be able to expand WBL in the state as well as strengthen educational and business collaboration.
As Shawna Nord, Counseling and Career Development Manager at CareerTech, said, "Kuder has consistently provided high quality products and services tailored to meet the specific needs of Oklahoma residents," Kuder has consistently delivered high quality products and services. In light of the excellent work they have done for us, it was only natural that they would support Oklahoma's career planning initiatives within one comprehensive system for the state, the OKCareerGuide.
In addition to being backed by 85 years of history, Kuder (www.kuder.com) also has 25 years of experience providing career and workforce development systems for all ages for educational agencies such as the U.S. military, departments of education, colleges, districts, and schools. In the last few years, Kuder has been providing high quality products backed by unparalleled service to millions of customers worldwide.
Kuder, Inc. is the source of this information.
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