Linzi, China Shines as the Ancient Qi Capital and Soccer’s Birthplace

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“A thousand miles cannot be travelled without the accumulation of each and every step, and an ocean cannot be huge without the contribution of each and every stream and brook.”
Recently, under the direction of a teacher, students taking part in an eco-study tour of Qi culture with the theme “Insights into the Famous Ancient Capital in its Cultural Context” recited passages from the well-known Xunzi (Hsun-Tzu)- Exhortation to Learning in front of the Jixia Academy Monument in Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province.

China’s Qi culture, which had a significant impact on the formation and growth of early Chinese civilization, originated in Linzi. In addition, Qi culture had a significant influence on Neo-Confucianism during the Song (960-1279) and Ming (1368-1644) dynasties, Metaphysics during the Wei (220-265) and Jin (265-420) dynasties, post-Qin (221 BCE-206 BCE) and Han (206 BCE-220 BCE) politics, economics, and civilization in general due to its distinctive principles of reform, openness, pragmatism

According to the Information Office of the Linzi District People’s Government, Linzi has actively promoted its cultural empowerment project in recent years and has worked to capitalise on the advantages of Qi culture in the tourism and educational sectors. Linzi’s development has placed a major emphasis on environmental optimization, cultural advancement, curricular development, and other distinctive elements, using its enormous traditional cultural resources. The Qi cultural + study tour programme has resulted as a result.

Source: Prnewswire

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