Morphy Richards Announces Strategic Brand Upgrade and Development

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In order to support business growth in the medium and long term, Morphy Richards, a renowned brand known for its high-quality, British-style, and innovative products, has announced a strategic brand upgrade to support its growth in the medium term. Morphy Richards is partnering with Prophet, a globally recognized strategic consulting firm, to identify its core competence and determine the best path for sustainable growth for the company. It is the goal of Morphy Richards to enable consumers to experience a different experience in their lives by utilizing its products.
The Morphy Richards brand has been around for over a century, having been established in 1936. The Morphy Richards brand is a well-known and historic British brand that has a presence in many European and Asian countries. With a focus on small household appliances, Morphy Richards has developed a deep expertise in the area of kitchen and living appliances. Using the brand upgrade, the company aims to improve brand influence, steer the direction of product development, and improve the performance of its products. Morphy Richards is now actively searching for business partners who share the same growth goals with Morphy Richards in order to implement this strategic initiative. Please contact us if you are interested in partnering with this time-honored brand or would like to learn more about it.
Please contact us if you are interested in partnering with this time-honored brand or would like to learn more about it.
It is imperative that brands speak to consumers' heads and hearts by providing them with dependable, consistent, and delightful product innovations and branded experiences that are relevant in a post-pandemic world. The Prophet team is honored to be partnering with Morphy Richards to unleash the next wave of uncommon growth across more and more markets," said Jolin, Associate Partner of Prophet.. In addition to helping leaders unlock uncommon growth, Prophet is a growth and transformation consulting firm with 15 offices and more than 600 strategists, data analysts, marketers, digital experts, and creatives who work with a variety of companies to create solutions that will make a lasting impact on society and help move the world forward.
In addition to helping leaders unlock uncommon growth, Prophet is a growth and transformation consulting firm with 15 offices and more than 600 strategists, data analysts, marketers, digital experts, and creatives who work with a variety of companies to create solutions that will make a lasting impact on society and help move the world forward.
It is a truly exciting opportunity for Morphy Richards, as the company has a brand recognition of 86% in the UK, which is up there with the most famous global brands in the industry. With the right products and a great team, I am confident that we will be able to re-establish Morphy Richards as the envy of the industry," said Rob Wileman, Managing Director of Consumer Brands Limited, which will become Morphy Richards' official licensee in the UK in 2023.
Morphy Richards: a brief biography
With a history going back to 1936, Morphy Richards is one of the most innovative and premium brands in the small appliance category. For more than eight decades now, Morphy Richards has been bringing smart ideas and quintessential British style into kitchens and into the everyday lives of families.
In order to find out more about Morphy Richards, please visit the following links: or
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