New Apollo eBook Explores Multidisciplinary Patient-Centric Approach to Enterprise Imaging

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A new eBook titled Delivering relevant medical images across the continuum of care has been introduced today by Apollo, a leading provider of enterprise imaging solutions and an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Public Sector Partner (PSP) Program member.. As the author of this comprehensive eBook explains, enterprise imaging has undergone a paradigm shift, and how a multidisciplinary, patient-centric approach ensures better patient outcomes, thinking beyond the radiology workflow to include other specialties, as well as medical encounters.
As the author of this comprehensive eBook explains, enterprise imaging has undergone a paradigm shift, and how a multidisciplinary, patient-centric approach ensures better patient outcomes, thinking beyond the radiology workflow to include other specialties, as well as medical encounters.
As a result of promoting a state-of-the-art, cloud-based, multidisciplinary imaging platform for collaboration on AWS, Apollo hopes to establish a consistently comprehensive patient profile that can be shared across all medical specialties in a coordinated manner, according to Mark Newburger, Apollo's CEO.
Among the highlights of the eBook are the following:

Source prnewswire

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