Nine cancer survivors will ride aboard the City of Hope float in the Rose Parade.

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The Rose Parade’s 2018 theme, “Turning The Corner,” is perfectly captured by the City of Hope float. Leading medical professionals will walk or bike beside their cancer patients as they turn the corner and overcome the disease. These patients’ courage, resolve, and positive perspective served them well during their trip.

Animated butterflies—symbols of hope and transformation—will be shown on the 50-foot-long, almost 17-foot-tall float created by Phoenix Decorating Company. The bridges stand in for City of Hope’s efforts to grow to more patients, families, and communities across the nation while bridging the access gap for the underserved in cancer treatment and care.

According to Stephen J. Forman, M.D., a renowned City of Hope cancer specialist and director of its Hematologic Malignancies Research Institute who has participated in the Rose Parade with his patients and other cancer survivors for the past 10 years, there is no better way for City of Hope to start the new year than by having the privilege of being a part of the celebration. “Our “Expanding Hope” float symbolises the aspirations and hopes of numerous cancer patients who have recovered their health as a result of City of Hope’s research and care. Being a part of the Rose Parade is always an honour for me. Due to the attention and work City of Hope puts into helping them or someone they know, thousands of spectators along the parade route are moved to witness our float.”

So that other people diagnosed with a comparable condition do not feel alone, several of the patients choose to share their cancer journeys. Their dedication to the neighbourhood is unparalleled.

Source: Prnewswire

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