Northern Light Supports The Salvation Army’s 2023 Thanksgiving Meals Distribution in Cambridge

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In this year's holiday distribution, Boston-based Northern Light (, a long-time corporate sponsor of The Salvation Army Massachusetts Division's holiday distributions, will donate more than $10,000 in order to give 350 Cambridge families the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with a delicious meal.
The families who participate will receive a bag of side dishes and trimmings, as well as a gift card to purchase a turkey (or another main course consistent with their culture) in order to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal at home.

With Northern Light's gift, the company continues to support The Salvation Army's holiday efforts, which has been a tradition of the company for many years.
C. David Seuss, Northern Light's CEO, said that there is no greater challenge than being without at a time when everyone else is celebrating their blessings. In addition to being proud of being able to contribute at Thanksgiving, Northern Light continues to be appreciative of the Salvation Army for its dedication to serving the needs of others.
Major Douglas Hart, a member of the Cambridge Police Department, said: "I do not believe that it is a coincidence that God blesses people here through a company called Northern Light.". In many ways, we are reminded that light shatters the darkness around us. There are many people who experience dismal days who find some glimmers of hope at The Salvation Army. As an example, that could be in the form of a Thanksgiving food basket, allowing families to celebrate the holiday in the same way as their neighbors and friends. Additionally, Northern Light also provides blessings of glimmering light throughout the year by supporting The Salvation Army during other times of the year as well
Additionally, Northern Light also provides blessings of glimmering light throughout the year by supporting The Salvation Army during other times of the year as well
Through a variety of social services, the Salvation Army provides assistance to nearly 24 million Americans each year who are struggling with poverty, addiction, and economic hardships. With nearly 7,000 centers of operation throughout the country, The Salvation Army is doing the most good for people by providing food for the hungry, emergency relief for disaster survivors, rehab for drug and alcohol abuse sufferers, clothing and shelter for those in need, as well as food for the hungry.. Visit for more information about the organization.The organization. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @SalvationArmyMA and use the hashtag #DoingTheMostGood
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @SalvationArmyMA and use the hashtag #DoingTheMostGood
Since 1996, Northern Light has been providing competitive intelligence and market research insights to global enterprises by providing knowledge management platforms for competitive intelligence and market research insights.  The company's current clients include Fortune 1000 companies in multiple industries, such as information technology, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and life sciences, among others.  There are more than 200,000 users worldwide who have access to Northern Light's strategic research portals.  Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Northern Light Software has repeatedly been recognized as one of KMWorld's "AI 50" - the companies that are enabling intelligent knowledge management - and has won KMWorld Readers' Choice Awards on multiple occasions as well.
  Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Northern Light Software has repeatedly been recognized as one of KMWorld's "AI 50" - the companies that are enabling intelligent knowledge management - and has won KMWorld Readers' Choice Awards on multiple occasions as well.
David Domeshek (508) 873-7068 [email protected] is the media contact for this event 
The Northern Lights are the source of this information
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