Notice to attend the extraordinary general meeting of Minesto AB (publ)

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The shareholders of Minesto AB (publ), reg. no. 556719-4914 ("Minesto" or the "Company"), are hereby given notice to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at MAQS Advokatbyrå's premises on Östra Hamngatan 24 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Exercising voting rights at the Extraordinary General Meeting
Any shareholder wishing to participate at the Extraordinary General Meeting must:
Nominee registered shares
To be entitled to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting, a shareholder whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee, must in order to be entitled to exercise its voting rights give notice about its intention to participate in the meeting and temporarily register the shares in its own name in the share register at Euroclear. Such registration must be effected no later than on Thursday, 7 March 2024 and, thus, the shareholder should provide notice to the nominee thereof in due time before that day. Voting rights registrations requested by a shareholder in such time that the voting rights registration has been effected by the nominee no later than on Thursday, 7 March 2024, will be considered at the presentation of the share register
Voting rights registrations requested by a shareholder in such time that the voting rights registration has been effected by the nominee no later than on Thursday, 7 March 2024, will be considered at the presentation of the share register
Notification of personal participation or participation by proxy
Shareholders wishing to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting in person or by proxy shall notify the Company no later than Thursday, 7 March 2024, either:
The notification shall include name or company name, personal identification number or corporate registration number, address, telephone number as well as, where applicable, the number of assistants (maximum two).
Anyone who does not wish to attend in person may exercise their right at the Extraordinary General Meeting by proxy with a written, signed and dated power of attorney. If the power of attorney has been issued by a legal entity, a copy of the registration certificate or equivalent document of authorisation for the legal entity must be attached.
To facilitate access to the Extraordinary General Meeting, powers of attorney, registration certificates and other authorisation documents should be received by the Company at the address Minesto AB (publ), J A Wettergrens Gata 14, 421 30 Västra Frölunda (mark the envelope "EGM 2024") well in advance of the Extraordinary General Meeting and preferably no later than Thursday, 7 March 2024.
Please note that the notification of participation at the Extraordinary General Meeting shall take place even if a shareholder wishes to exercise its voting rights at the Extraordinary General Meeting by proxy. Submission of power of attorney does not constitute a valid notification to the Extraordinary General Meeting.
A power of attorney form is available on the Company's website, .
Items at the Extraordinary General Meeting
Proposed agenda:
Proposed resolutions by the Board of Directors
2 Election of chairperson of the meeting
The Board of Directors proposes that Eric Ehrencrona or, in the event of an impediment, the person appointed by the Board of Directors instead be elected as the chair of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
7 Resolution regarding approval of the Board of Directors' resolution on new issue of units with preferential rights for existing shareholders
The Board of Directors proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting resolves to approve the Board of Directors' resolution of 26 February 2024 on a new issue of no more than 40,183,173 new shares, leading to an increase of share capital of no more than SEK 2,009,158.65, and an issue of no more than 13,394,391 warrants of series TO4, entitling to subscribe for a total of 13,394,391 shares in the Company, leading to an increase of the share capital of no more than SEK 669,719.55.
The issues are treated as one resolution and are carried out by issuing so-called units with preferential rights for existing shareholders (the "Rights Issue") and on the following conditions.
The Rights Issue is valid only if the proposal is supported by shareholders representing more than half of the votes cast.
8 Resolution regarding adjustment authorization
The Board of Directors, the CEO or the person appointed by the Board of Directors shall be authorized to make such minor amendments and clarifications of the resolution by the Extraordinary General Meeting that may prove necessary in connection with registration of the resolutions.
Number of shares and votes
At the time of this notice, the total number of shares and votes in the Company amounts to 160,732,694. The Company holds no treasury shares.
Power of attorney forms and complete proposals for resolutions with adhering documents will be made available no later than two weeks prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting. The notice and documents as above will be made available at the Company on J A Wettergrens Gata 14 in Västra Frölunda and on the Company's website, , and will be sent to shareholders who request it and provide their e-mail or postal address. The Extraordinary General Meeting's shareholder's register is available at the Company's office at the above address
The Extraordinary General Meeting's shareholder's register is available at the Company's office at the above address
The shareholders are reminded of the right to, at the Extraordinary General Meeting, request information from the Board of Directors and the Managing Director in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act.
Processing of personal data
For information on how your personal data is processed please see 
Gothenburg in February 2024
Minesto AB (publ)The Board of Directors 
For additional information, please contactCecilia Sernhage, Chief Communications Officer+46 735 23 71 58[email protected]
The following files are available for download:
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Source prnewswire

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