Now & Beyond TV Forum: Develop side by side without causing harm and proceed concurrently without interfering

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A roadmap for China’s future, spanning the next five years and beyond, was created by the Communist Party of China’s 20th National Congress.

What role does it play in the world? What can the outside world anticipate from China in the coming years? What benefits will Chinese modernization have for the rest of the world? With the help of decision-makers and leading thinkers from around the world, CGTN convened an unique panel discussion titled “Now and Beyond,” moderated by CGTN anchor Liu Xin.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs, head of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, comments on the skewed coverage of the national congress by American media, saying that “the genuine China message was a message of multilateralism.” What we need is conversation and improved understanding, Professor Sachs says. “China wants a multilateral world under the UN Charter very plainly. It doesn’t seek dominion; it doesn’t seek confrontation in any way.

Professor Xie Tao, dean of the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University, concurs with Professor Sachs that “President Xi’s central message to the world is that China does want to commit itself to a peaceful world and pursues peaceful coexistence,” adding that “China does not impose or export its own values, institutions to other countries, nor does China would like to see other countries tell us what you should do.”

Source: Prnewswire

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