OnGo Alliance Meeting Highlights CBRS Momentum and 5G SA Plugfest, Addressing Industry Connectivity Needs

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A consortium of industry leaders, the OnGo Alliance, is a group of industry organizations that promotes the development, commercialization, and adoption of LTE and 5G solutions for the US and Canada.In the last week of October, the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS), which operates at 5 GHz, held its biannual member meeting in the Dallas-Fort Worth region. There were over 350 attendees from OnGo member companies and associated enterprises at the three-day event, which included presentations, workshops, vendor exhibits, and OnGo's first Plugfest, which consisted of devices connecting to a 5G NR Stand Alone network built on-site.
There were over 350 attendees from OnGo member companies and associated enterprises at the three-day event, which included presentations, workshops, vendor exhibits, and OnGo's first Plugfest, which consisted of devices connecting to a 5G NR Stand Alone network built on-site.
 Over twenty presentations were presented during the member meeting, covering topics such as CBRS commercialization, private LTE and 5G networks, indoor neutral hosts, and OnGo market development, among others. Notable speakers included:
 During the meeting, more than 20 presentations were presented covering topics such as CBRS commercialization, private LTE and 5G networks, indoor neutral hosts, and OnGo market development. Notable speakers included:
As the adoption of CBRS continues to increase, there are 362,000 active CBSDs, 720 FCC-authorized end-user devices, and 1,000 operators currently using it.
It was agreed that both the Chairman and President of the Alliance would lead a key session to summarize recent key achievements of the OnGo Alliance that would further enhance CBRS reliability: Citizens Broadband Radio Service Devices (CBSDs) in areas and frequencies outside of DoD activity can now continue transmitting on approved grants for up to 24 hours without the need for renewed authorization from the Spectrum Access System (SAS).. Approval of new CBRS propagation models will result in a substantial reduction in the number of neighborhoods affected by Dynamic Protection Areas in the future. It is anticipated that this will significantly increase the amount of spectrum available to more users in the band and ensure their uninterrupted operation during that time. Completion of a collaborative coexistence framework for the GAA. As a result of this innovative set of specifications and practices, designed and approved by the Alliance, the reduction of interference between GAA networks will be facilitated.. The SAS is able to achieve this goal by implementing a GAA frequency plan within a defined area that has been agreed upon by the SAS administrators and users. A lot of these advancements can be attributed to the collaborative efforts of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the Department of Defense (DoD) and the OnGo Alliance. It is encouraging to see that the OnGo Alliance has a broad recognition of the importance of optimizing shared spectrum to drive innovation and efficiency," stated Preston Marshall, Chairman of the OnGo Alliance.. There is no doubt that improving services for end users will increase adoption, but it will also pave the way for spectrum sharing across a wide range of bands as well.It is expected that this continued progress will further accelerate the growth of CBRS adoption across a wide range of industries in the near future.. As of today, there are more than 362,000 CBSDs in active operation, accompanied by more than 720 FCC-authorized end-user devices and a vast network of more than 1,000 operators in the network.At the event, the OnGo Alliance hosted its first device Plugfest, which aimed at exploring the operation and performance of CBRS 5G NR SA (Standalone) devices. A diverse array of CBRS 5G devices spanning a wide range of vendors attended the event, which showcased the use of the CBRS Shared Home Network Identifier (HNI) within a private network that was powered by the CBRS.. A 40 MHz carrier in the GAA spectrum achieved consistent performance exceeding 400 Mbps in the downlink, while exceeding 50 Mbps in the uplink, using a 40 MHz carrier. There is no doubt that the Alliance is looking forward to building on this success in the near future by holding additional events featuring more devices and vendors and showcasing more advanced use cases for private networks in the near future.There was a great deal of success at the member meeting. During this event, the OnGo community was able to share success stories, align on priorities, share information, build partnerships, and continue to drive the evolution of shared spectrum technology in a positive way.There is an industry consortium known as OnGo Alliance that promotes the development, commercialization, and adoption of LTE and 5G solutions for the US and globally..The Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) operates at 5 GHz and evangelizes the use of shared spectrum in the world. Formerly known as the CBRS Alliance, this group of 140+ members aims to accelerate the deployment of efficient and effective CBRS networks using 4G and 5G technology. Across the United States, there are more than 362,000 CBRS Access Points. Currently, we are broadcasting wireless signals on the CBRS spectrum by using private and fixed wireless networks, covering a wide range of industries, including enterprise IT, industrial IoT, smart cities, rural broadband, transportation, hospitality, retail, and real estate.. Additionally, the Alliance has established a product certification program for OnGo equipment operating in the CBRS band, ensuring multi-vendor interoperability of the equipment.You can learn more about the OnGo Alliance by visiting their website at Alliance ( organization.The OnGo Alliance and the OnGo logo are trademarks of the OnGo Alliance..Alliance with SOURCE OnGo
Alliance with SOURCE OnGo
As a result of a key session led by both the Chairman and President of the Alliance, the following key achievements of the OnGo Alliance have been summarized that will further enhance the reliability of CBRS:
In order to achieve these advancements, the NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration), DoD (Department of Defense) and OnGo Alliance have been working together closely. Preston Marshall, Chairman of the OnGo Alliance, commented that "it is encouraging to see the recognition of the importance of optimizing shared spectrum in order to drive innovation and efficiency." It is our firm belief that improving the quality of services for end users will lead to a higher adoption rate as well as paving the way for spectrum sharing across a wider range of frequencies.
With this ongoing progress, it is likely that CBRS adoption across a wider range of vertical markets will further accelerate over the next few years. Currently, over 362,000 CBSDs are in active operation, along with over 720 FCC-authorized end-user devices and a huge network of over 1,000 carriers.
OnGo Alliance hosted its first device Plugfest at the event, where participants explored the operation and performance of CBRS 5G NR SA (Stand Alone) devices. The event was attended by over two dozen CBRS 5G devices from a variety of vendors, and showcased the implementation of the CBRS Shared Home Network Identifier (HNI) within a private network environment for CBRS 5G devices. With the use of a 40 MHz carrier in GAA spectrum, consistent performance was achieved exceeding 400 Mbps in the downlink and uplink speeds exceeding 50 Mbps using GAA spectrum. It is expected that the Alliance will be able to build on this success and be able to host additional events with more devices and vendors as well as showcasing more advanced use cases for private networks in the near future.
It is expected that the Alliance will be able to build on this success and be able to host additional events with more devices and vendors as well as showcasing more advanced use cases for private networks in the near future.
It was a great success to hold the OnGo community member meeting. It enabled the OnGo community to share success stories, align on priorities, share knowledge, build partnerships, and continue to drive the evolution of shared spectrum technology in the future.
OnGo Alliance is a global technology company that provides:
In the US, there is an industry consortium called the OnGo Alliance that promotes the development, commercialization, and adoption of LTE and 5G solutions for the US 3rd sector.The Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) operates at 5 GHz across the globe and promotes the use of shared spectrum. Formerly called the CBRS Alliance, this 140+ member group is aimed at accelerating the deployment of efficient and effective CBRS networks using the latest 4G and 5G technologies.. In the United States, there are over 362,000 CBRS access points. A number of wireless signals are being broadcast on the CBRS spectrum through private and fixed wireless networks, spanning a wide variety of industries, including enterprise IT, industrial IoT, smart cities, rural broadband, transportation, hospitality, retail, and real estate.. There has also been established a product certification program for OnGo equipment operating in the CBRS band, thus ensuring interoperability across multiple vendors
There has also been established a product certification program for OnGo equipment operating in the CBRS band, thus ensuring interoperability across multiple vendors
For more information about the OnGo Alliance, please visit their website at
A trademark of OnGo Alliance is the OnGo Alliance logo and the OnGo Alliance name.
Alliance with SOURCE OnGo
The OnGo Alliance is a consortium of industry participants working together to promote the development, commercialization, and adoption of LTE and 5G solutions for the US 3.5GHz band.
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