Recognized for their nationwide effort to protecting children and promoting sustainability are PLDT and Smart

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Best practises from private businesses throughout the world were highlighted at the recent Global Child Forum, including PLDT and Smart’s nationwide approach to child protection.
The private invitation-only worldwide summit, which was held at the Royal Palace in front of the King and Queen of Sweden, brought together thought leaders for a high-level conversation on children’s rights and how businesses might team up to build safer online lives for young people.
Cathy Yang, FVP and Head of Group Corporate Communications for PLDT and Smart, represented the Philippines at the meeting and spoke about the company’s initiatives to protect the welfare of Filipino children. Particularly praised was PLDT’s multifaceted and multi-stakeholder strategy to advance the wellbeing and safety of young Filipinos online.
“We appreciate being acknowledged for creating and putting into practise guidelines and procedures that address how the Group affects children’s rights. Incorporating child rights into our operations enables us to provide products and services that inevitably add value for kids while also acting as a fulcrum for our national sustainability objectives “added Yang.

Source: Prnewswire

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