Research consortium led by Finland-based VTT and Lockheed Martin will develop signals intelligence technologies benefiting the global defence industry

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A major goal of the cooperation project is to develop methods and technologies for detecting and classifying radar and communication signals on a modern battlefield that is filled with emitters that have a low probability of being intercepted or detected.. It is with great pleasure that we present to you the framework agreement, signed on November 21, that initiates long-term cooperation between Lockheed Martin, the Finnish research community, and the Finnish industry, creating mutually beneficial relationships for all parties involved. There is a connection between the agreement and Finland's procurement of the F-35 fighter jets
There is a connection between the agreement and Finland's procurement of the F-35 fighter jets
There has been a finalization of a frame agreement for indirect industrial cooperation between a research consortium led by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Lockheed Martin. As members of the consortium, Patria is a leading defence and technology company, Harp Technologies is a Finnish small to medium sized business that specializes in space, defence, and remote sensing technologies, and two leading Finnish universities, Aalto University and Tampere University, all of whom are innovative and leading in their respective fields.
Digital technologies are one of the leading aspects of Finland's culture. A state-owned company, VTT, was founded more than 80 years ago to develop the most advanced products and technology in the world during World War II. VTT has previously developed ground-breaking satellite signal technology for the European Space Agency (ESA), which resulted in the world's first 75 GHz signals that could reduce the amount of clutter on radio waves in the future.
It is the aim of the project to combine the expertise and technological strengths of different parties in order to develop highly developed solutions and advanced new expertise that can be applied to the needs of the international defence industry as well as to the next generation of electronic reconnaissance products," says VTT Vice President of the Research Area for Safe and Connected Society, Sauli Eloranta.
In addition, the project will strengthen the security of supply regarding Finland's own technological expertise and talent in the country. By providing a pathway for both national and international defence industry companies to recruit new professionals to study and work in the field of digital defence technologies, the project will, for example, encourage more students to study and work in this field.
As a result of Lockheed Martin's indirect industrial cooperation initiatives, the company will be able to establish and benefit from industry partnerships with Finnish companies, universities, and colleges, which will provide new opportunities for developing and strengthening the collaboration into the foreseeable future.
Having partnered with Lockheed Martin is a significant step for VTT and for Finland as a whole. We are very eager to assess additional future cooperation opportunities with Lockheed Martin in the future. As a result of this technology collaboration, we will be able to continue developing our strong expertise in defence technologies and expand our cooperation with other actors of the defence industry," concludes Eloranta.
It is anticipated that the project will last three years. Lockheed Martin and VTT are also planning on signing another framework agreement for a second project that focuses on millimeter-wave passive imaging radiometer development during 2023, with work expected to start in 2024.
Here is more information about the collaboration between Lockheed Martin and VTT.
Here is more information about the consortium members: Patria, Aalto University, Tampere University, and Harp Technologies Oy.
If you would like more information, please contact:
Sauli Eloranta, Vice President, VTT, Safe and Connected Society Division
Please contact [email protected], tel. +358 40 580 8664, for more information
The following media materials are available for your use:
This is an image of the Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jet
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is credited with the creation of this image
It was on 21 November 2023 that the Finland Industrial Development MOA was signed.
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is the creditor for this image
For more information on VTT, please visit the following website:
The Communications Manager at VTT is Kirsi Jaatinen - +358 20 722 6757, [email protected]
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The source of the information is VTT
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