StubHub’s 2024 MLB Season Preview: Dodgers are the #1 In-Demand Team; International Demand for the League Surges

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As we enter the 2024 MLB season, StubHub has analyzed ticket sales to reveal the season trends, top in-demand and trending teams, the most popular games, and more. Overall MLB sales on StubHub are up by over 60% compared to the same time last year, with international demand for the league surging. Shohei Ohtani's signing to the Dodgers in December resulted in massive demand, making them the best-selling team on StubHub.
Key highlights include:

●  International Demand for the League is on the Rise: Ticket buyers from 64 different countries have already purchased MLB tickets on StubHub for this season - the highest number in StubHub history
●  Ohtani's Record Free Agency Deal Leads to Demand Surge for the Dodgers: Moving to the #1 most in-demand spot on StubHub from #8 last year, the Dodgers have dethroned the Yankees
●  World Series teams experience jump in popularity: The Diamondbacks are seeing sales nearly 4x higher than last season on StubHub
"Sales are up league-wide on StubHub as MLB's international popularity grows," said Adam Budelli, spokesperson for StubHub. "We're seeing the widest global representation among ticket buyers compared to any other season start. The appeal of watching Shohei Ohtani on his new team is especially strong, particularly among fans from his home country of Japan."
Top In-Demand MLB Teams*
Top In-Demand MLB Home Openers*
Top In-Demand MLB Games (after Home Openers)*
Top International Markets for MLB Tickets (Outside of the US and Canada)*
*Based on number of tickets purchased on StubHub North America and viagogo international marketplaces by buyers in that country for MLB regular season games for the 2024 season, as of March 15, 2024.
Top Trending MLB Teams
Based on teams with the highest rate of increase in cumulative StubHub ticket sales for the 2024 season, as of March 15, 2024, in comparison to sales ahead of the 2023 season. Number indicates the percentage increase in ticket sales.
Full data and insights from the MLB season preview can be found at
About StubHubStubHub is the world's leading marketplace to buy and sell tickets to any live event, anywhere. Through StubHub in North America and viagogo, our international platform, we service customers in 195 countries in 33 languages and 49 available currencies with more than 100 million tickets available to events around the world annually -- from sports to music, comedy to dance, festivals to theater. StubHub offers the safest, most convenient way to buy or sell tickets to the world's widest selection of live events for the most memorable live experiences, with every order backed by our FanProtect guarantee and globally customer service support
StubHub offers the safest, most convenient way to buy or sell tickets to the world's widest selection of live events for the most memorable live experiences, with every order backed by our FanProtect guarantee and globally customer service support
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