TAG Launches “Project Brand Integrity 2.0,” Expanding Proven Anti-Piracy Initiative Through New Collaborative Block List

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WASHINGTON, Feb. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- TAG (Trustworthy Accountability Group), the global certification program to strengthen safety and transparency in digital advertising, today launched "Project Brand Integrity 2.0" (PBI 2.0), a significant expansion of TAG's proven anti-piracy initiative to defund the criminals who profit from stolen content while protecting advertisers from unintentional exposure to unsafe websites.
Through PBI 2.0, TAG will leverage new partnerships with the industry's major ad tech intermediaries to cut off funding from pirate websites through a comprehensive pre-bid exclusion list, thus preventing pirate sites from monetizing stolen intellectual property (IP). By incorporating real-time intelligence on new pirate domains from TAG's Ad Sec Threat Exchange and TAG member companies, PBI 2.0 will protect brands while preventing ad dollars from reaching those illegitimate sites.
Through PBI 2.0, TAG will leverage new partnerships with the industry's major ad tech intermediaries to cut off funding from pirate websites through a comprehensive pre-bid exclusion list, thus preventing pirate sites from monetizing stolen intellectual property (IP). By incorporating real-time intelligence on new pirate domains from TAG's Ad Sec Threat Exchange and TAG member companies, PBI 2.0 will protect brands while preventing ad dollars from reaching those illegitimate sites.
"Project Brand Integrity 1.0 was incredibly effective but hard to scale, as it involved a time-consuming manual process of notifying advertisers when their ads were found on pirate sites," said Mike Zaneis, CEO of TAG. "Although most advertisers took action when alerted to such misplacements, the money often had already changed hands, and the criminals quickly moved their efforts to new domains. PBI 2.0 helps automate, expand, and accelerate that process by blocking the money to pirate sites in advance through pre-bid intermediaries, so it never reaches the criminals in the first place." 

Source prnewswire

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