The aviation industry’s skills deficit is covered by Artemis Aerospace.

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The aviation industry's skills deficit is covered by Artemis Aerospace.

The pandemic and its aftermath, which included countless redundancies and furloughs, have made it difficult for the aviation sector to locate trained workers who can keep up with the rising demand for flights.

Here, Jim Scott from the component supply experts at Artemis Aerospace shares his thoughts on how the industry may gain momentum in promoting jobs in the field and addressing the widening capability gap.

— When airlines were forced to postpone multiple flights earlier this year because of a staffing shortfall, there was a great deal of uproar. Although crew illness was mostly to fault for the shortfall, the aircraft carriers were also heavily to blame for packing their flight schedules with flights they knew they couldn’t complete.

The staff shortage problem, however, is much more serious than disease or even the pandemic. It is true that the epidemic caused thousands of employees to leave the business, and as a result, many have made the deliberate decision never to return, citing job instability as a key factor in their choice. In truth, the availability of competent people in all employment roles has been declining for many years in the aviation business.

Source: Prnewswire

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