The Company Believes in Macao’s Long-Term Growth as It Presents its Vision and Investment for the Next Decade

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“We rely on the strategy we have successfully carried out over the previous 20 years as we look to the future in Macao. Sheldon Adelson had a great and audacious vision for what our firm would provide for Macao, and we are incredibly proud of everything that has been done “Robert G. Goldstein, chairman and CEO of Las Vegas Sands and Sands China, stated. “With the help of the government and Sands China, who have demonstrated incredible dedication, Macao has developed into a legitimate international hub for both pleasure and business travel. We believe Macao will continue to thrive, and as we have done since we first started doing business there, we will continue to support and invest in Macao as it establishes itself as one of the top tourist destinations in the world.”

Today at a press conference, the firm highlighted some of its core investment sectors as well as its broad financial commitment to Macao over the coming ten years. Through 2032, the corporation has committed to investing MOP 30 billion (USD $3.75 billion) in capital and operational initiatives.

Source: Prnewswire

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