The fields of computer vision and augmented reality will now be studied jointly.

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Oceanic Ltd. and the CYENS Center of Excellence have joined forces with Safetytech Accelerator to study the potential of computer vision and augmented reality to improve the efficiency and security of ship supply handling.

President and CEO Kyriakos Hadjikyriakou said, “At Oceanic, we are committed to the continuous development of innovative solutions and industry-leading technology. Through digitization, we strive to improve our operational efficiency and provide a sustainable service proposition. unique to our clients, while supporting our catering crew and offering unique experiences to our traveler-guests.”

“We, as a Center of Excellence, completely support the endeavour to leverage digitization to optimise existing processes, restructure supply chains, and create new business opportunities in this strategically vital economic area,” Dr. Olga Shvarova, Director of Innovation at CYENS, said.

The Commercial Director of Safetytech Accelerator, Gabriele Dad, has said, “This project is a great example of the work we like to be involved in at Safetytech Accelerator: working with world-leading experts in the maritime sector, using technology to make a real difference in the life. of seafarers. We look forward to sharing the results of this collaboration.”

Source: Prnewswire

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