The MCR DIMM from SK hynix is the fastest server memory module in the world.

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The world’s fastest server DRAM product, the DDR5* Multiplexer Combined Ranks (MCR) Dual In-line Memory Module, has been created by SK hynix Inc. (or “the firm”), and working samples were announced today. It has been verified that the new product operates at a data rate of at least 8Gbps, which is at least 80% faster than the 4.8Gbps of the previous DDR5 products.

  • The fifth version of the Double Data Rate (DDR) DRAM standard has been developed, and it is mostly used in server and client applications. As a modular product, the MCR DIMM has multiple DRAM chips soldered to the board, resulting in faster data transfer rates thanks to the use of two parallel ranks.

When information is delivered to the CPU from the DRAM module, it is broken down into rank units. As a rule of thumb, 64 bytes of information is bundled into a rank before being sent to the CPU.
MCR DIMM is a breakthrough that resulted from unconventional approaches to the problem of boosting the DDR5 memory module’s throughput. Engineers set out to disprove the widely held belief that a DDR5 system’s performance is limited by the speed of its DRAM chips by looking for ways to boost module performance instead.

Source: Prnewswire

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