The Morris Animal Foundation is funding two studies on nonsurgical cat sterilisation.

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“The importance of developing viable, safe, humane, and cost-effective techniques for nonsurgical sterilisation in community cats cannot be overstated,” said Dr. Kathy Tietje, Morris Animal Foundation’s Vice President of Scientific Operations. “We’re excited about these innovative projects and their potential impact on cat population control in this specific group.”

The primary motivations for these new studies are to reduce the number of cats entering the shelter system and to improve overall feline health outcomes. Another advantage will be that humane population control will reduce the environmental impact of free-roaming community cats.

The projects are set to start in 2023. The University of Georgia is working on developing an oral vaccine to reduce male cat fertility by lowering reproductive hormone levels. The Tufts University project aims to lower hormone levels in female cats using an injectable medication. The projects are expected to last between 12 and 24 months.

Source: Prnewswire

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