To bridge the digital divide, introduce the Connected California programme.

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California, go online! In collaboration with local libraries, the California State Library and Southern California Library Cooperative (SCLC) have launched Connected California, a free initiative that aims to close the digital divide. The programme provides community members with one-on-one assistance over the phone to locate inexpensive internet services and gadgets, learn the fundamentals of computers, and locate and use online resources for career development, applying for jobs, and more.
How does it function? To schedule an appointment, Californians can reach out to a “Digital Navigator” by phone, email, text message, or online form. A helpful and knowledgeable expert will reply within 24 hours of receiving a contact from a customer on Monday through Friday. Over the phone, the navigator will speak one-on-one with the community member to determine the best course of action. English and Spanish navigators are on hand to help.
Greg Lucas, State Librarian, stated, “We are committed to connecting more individuals and assisting them in acquiring the digital skills they and their families need to succeed and prosper.” Local libraries are here to serve Californians by assisting more people in finding and applying for free or low-cost internet and devices, as well as free access to the game-changing materials available on the market, as more and more services migrate to the digital age. accessible online via public libraries.

Source: Prnewswire

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