To help people with disabilities “walk independently,” “Global Innovation Challenge 2023” is holding a “Living Assistance Robot Contest” and is inviting participants to take part.

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Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan will play host to the “Global Innovation Challenge 2023 Living Assistance Robot Contest” (hereinafter referred to as the “GIC Contest”) next year, thanks to the efforts of the Tokyo-based Global Innovation Challenge Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “GIC Executive Committee”).

In May and June of 2023, a competition will be held to encourage scientists and engineers from all over the world to create innovative wheelchair accessories that will help people with disabilities like paralysis “walk independently” (*) without the aid of a caregiver and make the most of their remaining abilities.

(*) For the purposes of this competition, “independent walking” refers to the ability of an individual with a disability, such as paralysis, to walk without the assistance of others or the use of a wheelchair. The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2023. The organisation is hoping to get numerous applications from interested parties. Application instructions are available on the website.

Source: Prnewswire

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