uMed’s AccessCMD next-generation Cardiometabolic Cohort hits 2000 patient milestone in less than 4 months

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More than 2,000 people have been Enrolled into the AccessCMD Cardiometabolic Cohort less than 4 months after starting.
The exponential growth of the cohort within this short time frame highlights the commitment of patients within this disease area to engage in research, and showcases the effectiveness of the unique model in providing research access that has previously been unavailable.
AccessCMD is powered by the Company's ACCESS Research Platform and is approved under a master protocol framework.
AccessCMD participants actively contribute data from their electronic medical records, genetic tests, Wearable devices, and patient-reported outcome surveys, offering an unparalleled opportunity for researchers to access novel endpoints.
"From the rapid growth we have seen with AccessCMD it is clear that patients are willing and eager to participate in research, they just need to be provided the opportunity to do so, and we are empowering this unique access."
With the rise in global obesity and related diseases, cardiometabolic research is capturing the attention of research groups as they work towards the development of new therapies and tools to address this health crisis.
The potential for these therapies to benefit a large proportion of the population is evident, however a challenge for researchers at all stages of the therapy lifecycle is the ability to access the required data points from large enough representative sub-cohorts.
Many of the conditions described in cardiopulmonary disease are not fully understood, so researchers are often faced with the challenge of finding a sufficient number of patients that meet their specific study criteria.
"We've seen the huge impact of recent therapeutic developments within cardiometabolics, and for the many researchers now entering this field, accessibility and speed are key." commented Dr Matt Wilson, CEO & Founder of uMed.
The rate of growth of AccessCMD is compelling and the potential for further growth is exciting.
AccessCMD is currently recruiting patients across the UK via the healthcare network of Umed, with plans to launch the cohort in the US by the end of 2024.
The source is U Med.

Source prnewswire

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