Vial announces the addition of Dr. Veeral Sheth to their Ophthalmology CRO Scientific Advisory Board from University Retina and Macula Associates and the University of Illinois, Chicago.

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Veeral Sheth, MD, MBA, has joined Vial’s scientific advisory board. Vial is a worldwide CRO with a focus on technology that offers next-generation clinical trial administration services (SAB). For the Vial Ophthalmology CRO’s goods and services, Dr. Sheth will collaborate closely with the leadership team of the business.

“With Dr. Sheth joining our SAB, we are overjoyed. He will expertly advise us on our methodology, technological platform, and other CRO services for ophthalmology, and we are confident that he will do so “said Vial’s CEO and co-founder Simon Burns.

“It is a pleasure to collaborate with the enthusiastic Vial team. I’m interested in using my skills to assist them rethink the setting for clinical research “Dr. Sheth remarked.

Dr. Sheth is a clinical assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the director of clinical research at University Retina and Macula Associates. In addition to editing the Shelf Life series and the Massachusetts Ear and Eye Infirmary review, he is a board-certified vitreoretinal surgeon.

Following completion of his residency training in ophthalmology at the University of Illinois, Chicago, Dr. Sheth earned his medical degree from the University of Illinois School of Medicine. At the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, he finished a fellowship in vitreoretinal surgery after completing his residency.

Source: Prnewswire

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