Virtual Internet Announces Tap and Share for Virtual 5G

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In Singapore, Dec. 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Virtual Internet, a leading provider of Software 5G (Fifth Generation) Mobile Broadband technology, today announced its Tap and Share function for Virtual 5G and Virtual 5G for Android Auto.
The ability to share without the use of the internet
Using Tap and Share, Users can wirelessly share Virtual 5G Apps directly with their friends and family, even when they do not have access to the internet, even when they are using Virtual 5G Apps on Android Auto.
In addition to allowing users to share the entire Virtual 5G and Virtual 5G for Android Auto Apps between devices, Tap and Share also enables millions of Virtual 5G downloads to multiply among users as they share the App directly among themselves, with no ISPs, no Clouds, no network connections necessary. By scanning the nearby devices for a discreet way to share the application, Virtual 5G automatically detects nearby devices.
The sharing of information with the Internet
In addition, Virtual 5G allows users to share the App through a link which downloads the App, and users can choose from dozens of ways to send the link to their friends and family.
Share "Frictionless" with your hands free
It should also be noted that Virtual 5G and Virtual 5G for Android Auto also allow sharing through a QR Code (quick-response code), which is a two-dimensional matrix barcode that can be scanned by the phone's camera to trigger an instant installation.
There are more benefits to virtual 5G than any other type of 5G
In contrast to 5G networks, which merely provide bandwidth, Virtual 5G delivers the highest bandwidth and the most secure and private global network available on the market today.
The most private way to communicate with your loved ones
One more Privacy feature of Virtual 5G and Virtual 5G for Android Auto is the ability to share directly between users. Virtual 5G has already become one of the most secure and private apps on the market. In addition to offering the best 5G service and Global 5G service, Virtual 5G has built-in privacy for everyone, which means that sharing the app without connecting to the Internet means getting Virtual 5G is also completely private.
As a result of Virtual 5G:
Virtual Internet Pte. Ltd. is a company based in Singapore.
An organization incorporated in Singapore, Virtual Internet is creating a new community of millions of users, connected through multiple networks. Virtual Internet is building a metaverse. As a result of establishing and operating its own Virtual 5G Global Overlay Network, Virtual Internet has created and operates an array of applications and services that can be delivered over 5G Mobile Broadband Speeds using existing cellular radio, wifi, and satellite networks.
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
The source of the data is Virtual Internet Pte. Ltd.
In a recent announcement, Virtual Internet, the leader in Software 5G (Fifth Generation) Wireless Broadband technology, announced that it had begun distribution of its Virtual 5G service...
It was announced this week that Virtual Internet, the leading provider of Software 5G (Fifth Generation) Mobile Broadband technology, will be distributing its product Virtual Web worldwide.
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