Virtual Internet Announces Virtual 5G Express

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Virtual Internet has announced Virtual 5G Express, a new App that complements the V5G platform and extends the Virtual Internet Global 5G Cloud based service.
Virtual 5G Express (V5GE), is a hyper-efficient secure implementation of V5G. V5GE was created to deliver 5G service to a different user base than V5G.  These different user needs are reflected in the engineering of the App. V5GE is highly simplified for use in the accelerated environment for which it was created.
V5G was created to deliver a 5G Global Broadband Service over any type of connectivity, (Wi-Fi, Cellular Radio/Mobile Data, Satellite), on any Service Provider Network and on any generation phone (3G, 4G/LTE).  The V5G was developed to enhance service on 5G phones and to provide not just fast connectivity but encrypted access that is secure and fully private.
When it comes to 5G, there is no one size fits all. Millions of installations of V5G have shown the diverging needs of Global Smartphone users. In response, Virtual Internet has engineered two flavors of V5G service to meet the growing needs of the market and of users worldwide.
V5G is designed to focus on delivering higher maximum potential throughput and bandwidth. V5G shows optimal performance in environments where connectivity has variable and high packet loss, where users are Mobile and where the underlying service provider bandwidth is less robust. These are typically suburban to rural environments, and locales with lesser developed infrastructure.

Source prnewswire

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