Virtual Statistics for Quality Control Webinar: Essential Steps and Techniques Used to Quantify Variability in Manufacturing Processes, and to Assure Quality Products

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As part of's offering of webinars, a webinar titled "Statistics for Quality Control" has been added.
As a 6-hour virtual seminar, this course will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the techniques and steps used to quantify variability in manufacturing processes, ultimately ensuring the production of products of high quality.
During the seminar, the primary focus will be on statistical quality control, as well as the acquisition of objective, unbiased, and actionable data for informed decision-making. During this program, participants will be given the opportunity to gain valuable insight into how acceptance sampling systems and analytical procedures can be set up and used effectively.
The seminar's objective is to equip manufacturing personnel, supervisors, and management with practical knowledge that can be immediately applied in their production operations and decision-making processes. In spite of the fact that statistical techniques will be covered, the presentation of statistical theory is limited to what will be necessary for attendees to comprehend and implement processes and testing within a statistical framework, not what will be presented in the course.
In this seminar, examples will be presented that will illustrate the specific manufacturing processes and quality assurance requirements that are imposed on the pharmaceutical and medical device industries.
Since quality control techniques are constantly evolving, the seminar will also cover historical concepts, current trends, and regulatory requirements that are important to understand. Additionally, participants will learn about the presentation of statistical charts and analyses, as well as graphic techniques for planning, troubleshooting, and problem-solving.
It is important for you to attend this event because all processes are intrinsically variable. The variation, however, can sometimes be excessive, and this hinders the ability to achieve reliable measurements and the desired results when the variation is excessive. A Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Statistical Quality Control (SQC) system enables us to monitor, test and control the functions of our processes (inputs) as well as the quality of our outputs by providing us with tangible tools for monitoring and controlling the quality of our products..In order for a company to maintain its reputation, quality control and process control are crucial. When a company has a good system of processing and quality checks, there will be less waste and rework due to defects, which will allow the company to deliver products of high quality, which will reduce costs associated with production waste. It is also a requirement for many industries to have a good quality management system in place in order to ensure compliance with regulatory authorities in their respective countries.The main objective of this seminar is to provide attendees with the statistical tools necessary to monitor processes and ensure the quality of manufactured products. Greetings, Ms.. In her presentation, Eisenbeisz will make use of Minitab software, which is a statistical analysis program.The following topics will be covered during the course of the course: Lecture 1 - It's a System! Elements of Quality Management
The following topics will be covered during the course of the course: Lecture 1 - It's a System! Elements of Quality Management
Lecture 2 - Requirements for Quality Management based on Regulatory Requirements
A brief overview of the basics of statistics is presented in lecture 3
Attribute Sampling Plans - Lecture 4: Statistical Quality Control - Statistical Quality Control
The fifth lecture is entitled, Statistical Quality Control - Variable Sampling Plans in Statistical Quality Control
Elaine Eisenbeisz is a private practice statistician and owner of Omega Statistics, a statistical consulting company based in Southern California that provides statistical consulting services. In addition to more than 30 years of experience in creating data and information solutions, Elaine has also worked with governmental agencies, corporations, start-up companies, and individual researchers in a variety of industries..In elementary school, Elaine's love of numbers began when she participated in mathematics competitions at the regional and state levels.. In addition to her studies at the University of California, Riverside, where she was a National Science Foundation scholar, she earned a B.S.. A Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics with a minor in Quantitative Management and Accounting. She received her Master's Certification in Applied Statistics from Texas A&M University and is currently pursuing her graduate studies at Rochester Institute of Technology in the area of statistical analysis. In addition to being a member in good standing of the American Statistical Association, Elaine is also a member of many other professional associations. Besides being a member of the Mensa High IQ Society, she is also an author. As a member of the Better Business Bureau, Omega Statistics holds an A+ rating.The methodology that Elaine has designed has been used in numerous clinical, biotechnology, and health care studies. As an investigator with the Proton Collaborative Group, a company based in Illinois, she is currently involved in approximately ten proton therapy clinical trials. Besides that, she also designs and analyzes studies as a contract statistician at QPS, a CRO based in Delaware that conducts nutraceutical and fitness studies
Besides that, she also designs and analyzes studies as a contract statistician at QPS, a CRO based in Delaware that conducts nutraceutical and fitness studies
You can find out more about this webinar by visiting for more information

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