WIN Learning recognizes Chasteen-Dunn as a leader on National Entrepreneurs’ Day

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For more than two decades, Teresa Chasteen-Dunn has been a distinguished educator and entrepreneur who has made a significant contribution to the field of digital learning and community engagement. As we celebrate Entrepreneurs' Day on Nov. 21, we honor Chasteen-Dunn's outstanding contribution to the field and her tireless efforts to shape the future of education.
Awarded to Teresa Chasteen-Dunn in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the field of education and her tireless efforts to shape the future of this field.
In 1978, Chasteen-Dunn completed her own educational journey at Roane County High School in Tennessee. After graduating from Roane State in 1976, she continued to pursue her education at Roane State, where she completed her early college education from 1976 to 1978. While at the University of Tennessee, she earned both her bachelor's and master's degrees, establishing a strong foundation in the field.
In order to begin her own educational journey, Chesteen-Dunn attended Roane County High School, graduating in 1978 from the high school. Following that, she pursued her education at Roane State, where she completed her early college education between 1976 and 1978. At the University of Tennessee, where she earned her bachelor's and master's degrees, she established a strong foundation in education.
The former Chesteen-Dunn returned to her alma mater Roane State University in 1985 as an assistant professor. During her time there, she had a significant impact on countless students, and she continued to work there until 1993. She later taught at Hiwassee College and at the satellite campus of Tennessee Tech University in Roane County, where she shared her knowledge and passion for education as a professor.
As a result of Chasteen-Dunn's entrepreneurial spirit, she left her teaching career in 1996 to start WIN Learning, an organization dedicated to providing innovative digital learning programs to students of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. It has been her honor to lead WIN Learning as CEO, which has affected more than 10 million learners. The company's curriculum has won three prestigious national awards, ensuring its standing as a leader.
The kind acknowledgement means a lot to me, but I can't take credit for the success of WIN Learning on my own. During my time as CEO, Chasteen-Dunn says, "I have been blessed with the most amazing executive leadership team who has enabled me to hire and manage amazing talent and - most importantly - create an amazing company culture."
The contributions that Chasteen-Dunn has made to the field of digital learning, her dedication to philanthropy, and her involvement in the community have earned her many accolades and recognitions over the years. It was her keynote address, which took place at the Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber of Commerce this year, that showcased her leadership and expertise as WIN Learning's CEO, while her inclusion on EdTech Digest's list of the top 100 "People Making a Difference for Digital Learning Now" solidifies her position as a respected and influential figure in the education field.
It was her keynote address, which took place at the Cookeville-Putnam County Chamber of Commerce this year, that showcased her leadership and expertise as WIN Learning's CEO, while her inclusion on EdTech Digest's list of the top 100 "People Making a Difference for Digital Learning Now" solidifies her position as a respected and influential figure in the education field.
In addition to her tireless efforts and commitment to making a positive impact on education, Chasteen-Dunn continues to make a positive impact through digital learning and community engagement as she continues to shape the future of education. In honor of Entrepreneurs' Day, November 21, we will honor her outstanding achievements and the significant contributions she has made to education over the years.
Please contact Steve Fain, executive vice president. His phone number is 888-717-9461 and his email address is [email protected].
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