Winners of the 2022 HackAdTech Open Hackathon are announced

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AdTech Holding, a technology and innovation centre with offices in Cyprus, hosted the open hackathon known as HackAdTech 2022. The purpose of the event was to bring together top tech professionals in Cyprus and provide them with a platform to demonstrate their abilities while participating in various competitions.

In its portfolio, AdTech Holding includes well-known products including PropellerAds, Notix, and other well-known digital platforms. The project, which is already a pioneer in the MarTech and AdTech fields, aims to change technology both in Cyprus and around the world.

How did it go, overall?

The 26th and 27th of November 2022 saw the two-day HackAdTech conference. It took place at the Parklane Hotel in Cyprus. Cyprus Mail, TechIsland, the Cyprus Computer Society, the Cyprus Agile and Innovation Community, and others served as the event’s principal sponsors.

IT experts, graphic designers, data scientists, programmers, and other specialists were asked to deliver useful tech products in a constrained amount of time. Each team had a maximum of five people, with one programmer. Four categories were up for grabs:

Source: Prnewswire

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