With a record number of listings, TISE begins its anniversary year.

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There were more listings on the International Stock Exchange (TISE) at the beginning of the year than at any other point in its history. TISE will mark its 25th anniversary in 2023.
Although the macroeconomic backdrop was difficult, 2022 was the second-best year for new listings since the industry began. The previous two years have seen the most new listings in the Exchange’s history, with the record 1,111 new listings in 2021 barely surpassing the 956 securities that were added last year.
TISE began its anniversary year with a total of 4,020 securities added to its Official List, the most since the Exchange began operations in October 1998. This represents a 10% year-over-year increase.
TISE’s CEO, Cees Vermaas, said: “As a result of the challenging macroeconomic situation, listing volumes declined in 2022, particularly for products like high yield bonds that had the highest exposure to the larger debt capital markets. When high yield was taken into account, M&A activity remained robust, and the path to listing was well-traveled, resulting in volumes on TISE that were just slightly below the record established in 2021. We have reached a record total number of listings on the market thanks to the steady flow of new bond listings that have been listed on TISE over the past two years, which highlights the appeal of our primary bond market offering.”
TISE launched the Qualified Investor Bond Market (QIBM) in 2021 as a prominent professional bond market in Europe. In 2022, there were a total of 2,370 new issuances listed on QIBM, including 1,430 additional issues to existing listings and 940 completely new asset classes.

Source: Prnewswire

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