With the debut of “65,” dinosaur attractions brace themselves for impact.

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A new wave of dinosaur excitement has begun with the publication of the trailer for Adam Driver’s science fiction thriller “65,” which will build until its March opening weekend before having an impact on areas related to dinosaurs. When new dinosaur movies are released, attendance tends to increase, according to Jeff Lamontagne, executive director of Dinosaur Ridge.

According to Entertainment Weekly, “It’s like Star Wars meets Jurassic Park” with the narrative prowess of “A Quiet Place” authors and a Danny Elfman score added in. It’s a mix that is almost certain to draw sizable crowds and further influence our collective perceptions of how dinosaurs would have appeared, conducted themselves, sound, and reacted to people.

A minor portion of those moviegoers include those who work in museums and guide tours at locations where dinosaur fossils from the past 65 million years (and beyond) have been discovered. Every year, roughly a quarter million people come to the site that palaeontologists rank as the top dinosaur tracksite in America to observe in-situ fossil bones and stone footprints. In the public park Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison, Colorado, visitors can take guided tours to see fossilised bones and tracks left by Cretaceous and Jurassic dinosaurs that were buried in the mountainside near the well-known Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre.

Source: Prnewswire

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